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Heritage In UAE
An Acrostic by Rhomancae (Wasel Aziz)

H istory shows finds.

E arlier civilizations norm.

R eligious heritages explore.

I slamic customs understood.

T raditional folkways remain.

A ctual experiences lived.

G nostic mythologies apprentice.

E arly experiences speak.

I ndividual motifs achieved.

N umerous societies examined.

U nique folkways assimilate.

A ncestral traditions educate.

E thnic cultures grew.

Abstract Paint

How is our heritage linked to the natural world?

Our natural heritage comprises the components of the natural environment that have aesthetic, historic, scientific or social significance or other special value for future generations, as well as for the present community. Places in these lists may have diverse values

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How can I contribute to the preservation of our heritage?

  • Form a volunteer group

  • Offer tours

  • Host special events

  • Submit a nomination to an endangered places list

  • Conduct community workshops

  • Educate those involved in the decision-making process

  • Survey resources from the recent past

  • Evaluate the property

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Blue Yellow Cute & Playful Cartoon Covid-19 Poster.png
Desert Nature

What are the threats to heritage?

Armed conflict and war, earthquakes and other natural disasters, pollution, poaching, uncontrolled urbanization and unchecked tourist development pose major problems to World Heritage sites.

Made by Nahiyan Kabir

How does tourism affect heritage?

Tourism is a platform and a vehicle for presenting heritage to the public, conserving it and guaranteeing its economic and social viability. Hence, tourism is in most cases a balancing mechanism that keeps and protects the heritage itself.

Above the Clouds

In what ways can our heritage be protected for future generations?

Develop training courses for law enforcement services, customs and judicial authorities, with the support of cultural institutions.The best way to preserve your cultural heritage, whatever it may be, is to share it with others. Cultural heritage and natural history of a nation has a very high value and is unique. It is an identity that can be introduced to the world.

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